Cross-Cultural Media Arts Exchange In collaboration with Project Ten Square, Landmark of Good
Website: https://entangled.mediaartnexus.com/
29 April 2022 (Wed) 06:00 PM – 08:00 PM
Ten Square, Outdoor LED Billboard 1 Short Street Singapore 188218

In early 2022, Ten Square Landmark for good invited students from Nanyang Technological University, School of Art, Design and Media to create a series of media artworks about climate change and sustainability. The Ten Square tower is covered with more than 300,000 LED lights and depicts images of marine pollution, apocalyptic futures where machines take over, and other natural disasters associated with climate change. The artwork is meant to draw attention to the importance of addressing climate change, while also highlighting the beauty of the natural environment. The The artworks on the façade of the building are visible to the public, and they serve as a reminder of the need to take action against climate change and create a better future. By making the artworks visible, it serves as a reminder to the public that we need to act now to save our planet. Additionally, the artwork is also a form of protest against mad-made contribution to climate change. The artworks therefore serve to raise awareness of the urgent need to take action against climate change and create a better future.

Participating artists from Singapore include Andronicus Koshy, Belinda Yeo, Benjamin Lim, Danielle Martinez, Jonathan Tan, Kiyasatina Azib, Xuan Ying Leow, Rachel Lim, and Ziling Chew. These artists were supervised by Professor Ina Conradi from NTU ADM, Singapore.

The artists were joined in November of 2022 by Students from Ansbach University of Applied Arts – who addressed the same topic. https://entangled.mediaartnexus.com/

Students in Ansbach
Participating artists from Germany include: Cem Ünaldi, Chooi Wen Long Sui, Christian Scherzer, Ediz Mielke, Johannes Schmidl, Kim Le, Luca Alessandro Dünkel, Lucas Ott, Markus Kenderes, Maximilian Hammelmann, Minh Tu Nguyen, Nicole Klaus, Shaina Milde, and Tim Napiwotzki. These artists were supervised by Professors Verena Kraemer and Christian Barta from University of Ansbach, Germany.

Past Screening as INTERLUDE featuring only Singapore Artists

Interlude – preliminary screening of the works in Singapore for the end of the semester

All the photographs are taken by Quek Jia Liang, Singapore 2022